To start with, we meet and get to know one another – at your place, at our office or on the phone. Together we take a look at what you want from your property and assess how those requirements can be realized in the current housing market. What is realistic, what may not be feasible? We will then draw up a service contract [Opdracht tot Dienstverlening] on the basis of what we have agreed and after that, we will start working for you! See our step-by-step guide and information about the various bidding systems below. You only pay us once you receive the keys from the notary, and then you can go and enjoy your new home.

5 steps in the proces

  1. Introduction, discussion and specification of requirements;
  2. Researching and looking for properties;
  3. Viewing and negotiating;
  4. Signing deed of purchase [koopakte];
  5. Inspection of property and legal completion

Starting the search

Once the service contract has been signed, the search is on. Your requirements have been mapped out with care – though they may well change during the search process. However, as we do all the viewings together and also have a quick debrief afterwards, I will be aware of that more than anyone – perhaps even before you are aware of it yourself.

You have your eye on a new home

Once you found a place you would like to live, we will start negotiating. I research all the relevant information. I advise you on the amount to offer, all the conditions to be included (would a structural survey be a good idea?) and ensure you know your rights and obligations as a buyer. We will discuss the date of completion and look at the fixtures and fittings to be included in the price.

Initial contract concluded

Once the parties agree, the seller’s estate agent draws up the deed of purchase in Haarlem (this is done by a notary in Amsterdam). We receive a draft version and discuss it with you. The seller signs first, then we will invite you to sign the deed too. You then have a 3-day cooling-off period during which you can withdraw from the contract without giving a reason. You select a notary who will be sent the paperwork, and everything will then be prepared for the transfer of ownership [overdracht].
Planning now starts in earnest – you take your builder or your family to have a look at the property, and there is the financial side, of course. We provide support in a variety of ways at this stage and will monitor developments regarding the expiry of any conditions allowing release from the contract.


Before completion (= actual transfer of ownership) there will be a final inspection of the property. Checks will be made to ensure that the property is surrendered as agreed and that for example all fixtures and fittings are as discussed. Meter readings will also be taken. We will of course be present and will then accompany you to the notary for completion.

Bidding system

There are a number of different systems. The following are the most common:

  • Sale by tender. In this system prospective buyers complete a bidding form and submit it before the deadline. Sellers make the choice.
  • Haarlem method (Bidding system A) where the first bidder is always given the opportunity to respond to higher offers by other parties. The first bidder is told the offer amount.  
  • Amsterdam method (Bidding system B) where the seller may only start negotiating with other parties after negotiations with the first bidder fail to produce a result.

The bidding system chosen by the seller has an influence on the strategy we pursue and we will discuss this with you.


Covid measures mean that arrangements for many appointments and meetings are different at the moment. We will do our best to keep you informed about the procedures to be followed.
For viewing and completion at the notary we are subject to the regulations and restrictions in force because of Covid 19. We follow the guidelines issued by the Dutch Association of Estate Agents (NVM). 

Optional services


Interior design

Contacts for building contractors

Surrender old property broom clean


Contact us to find out more

Wondering how I could assist you or specific plans already? Just give me a call or leave your contact details, whatever is more convenient or you.

Optional services

Interior design

Contacts for building contractors

Surrender old property broom-clean

Contact us to find out more.

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Your personal broker for home happiness, fitting every budget, meeting every wish